About Susan Zegarsky
Artist. Writer. Flâneuse.
Wonder seeker. World traveler.
Specialist in languages.
Glows in the dark. Swings from stars.
Treasures incredible tales.
Enjoys thunderstorms immensely &
is most probably full of figs.
Artiste. Écrivaine.
Alchimiste. Graphiste.
Voyager du monde et flâneuse.
Je suis adepte curieuse d'arcane.
J'aime vraiment les orages violents.
Je brille dans le noir, bioluminescente,
et je me balance sur les étoiles.
Je prise les contes incroyables.
Je suis joyeuse.
US Publications
The Slake
The Slake
Not Telling Tao
Santa Clara Review Volume 111 Issue 1
Other dreams
Fahmidan Journal Issue 13
My hands are composed of butterflies
Coffin Bell Volume 3, Issue 3
Ink in Thirds Issue 9
This is the Face of a Widow 2016
From the Archives Feature 2020
My Witch Issue 6
Morningstar Issue 6
They Issue 14
Cauldron Anthology Issue X: Cult
A Dream Begins
Editor's Choice January 2020 &
Print Edition Fall 2019
Ghosts of You
My Dead
Short Fiction
The Dark Elves
In the Skin
Poetry Series Chapbooks
White & Winter
Phantom Season
The Autumn Country
The Vuyk
Books of Poetry
Memories of earth (coming soon)
Exsanguinarium (coming soon)
Scholarly Articles
Reinventing Vietnam
La Controverse Entourant Le Hijab
La Nouvelle Loi Anti-Terroriste
Erasing the Daughter of Amun-Re
Horror Magazine Editor's Choice Award
Huntsville Museum of Art Book Award
Antonelli Institute of Art 1st in Exhibit
The Tessman Language Award
Susan Zegarsky is an award winning British-Polish writer and visual artist. First a classical pianist and graphic designer directing her own design studio, Susan then spent life traveling the world from her home in Germany. She came to the United States to study world cultures, remained as a language specialist, and now writes and paints full time from her studio.
Her work as a writer and artist reflects her exploration of the interactions between consciousness, nature and the metaphysical, and she delves into the psychological effects of expatriation, immigration, isolation, motherhood, abuse and grief. A student of Hermetics, she is an aficionado of horror, cabinets of curiosity, languages living and dead, nature and the arcane.
Susan writes fiction and poetry in French, English and Arabic. Her poetry has been featured in Santa Clara Review, Hyacinth Review, Fahmidan, Prismatica, Coffin Bell Journal, The Slake, Grim & Gilded, Cauldron Anthology, Quail Bell Magazine, Ink in Thirds, Lynx, The Horror Magazine, Autumn Sky, and she always has new work forthcoming in additional literary journals. She is the author of the novel, The Vuyk and the poetry collections Memories of Earth and Exsanguinarium.
Susan hopes to encourage the exploration of forms of poetry like the ghazal, gogyohka, and sijo, and has herself invented the form of the septine. She has also written under a pen name.
Her work can be found on her website www.zegarsky.com and she is @ouisuzette on social media.
Thank you for spending your time enjoying my work. Buy my forthcoming books of poetry Memories of earth and Exsanguinarium and my novel The Vuyk and follow me for more art and writing. Come and visit often ~ there will always be something new.
This site and its contents, whether online or offline, website design, all pages, logos, banners, art, writing, and all publications resulting therefrom or related thereto, are the original work and sole property of the creator, Susan Zegarsky Butler. The entirety of this site, including art and written work, logos, banners and site design, is protected under law and any use and/or reproduction of any or all of the contents, even partially, is strictly prohibited.
Susan Zegarsky, the creator and owner of this site and its contents, grants no rights to reproduce and/or otherwise use the contents of this site, the art or written work, in any manner for purposes of training artificial intelligence technologies, to generate art or text, including without limitation, technologies that are capable of generating works in the same style or genre as the contents.